About Me

Free Spirit
Keeping a good heart in a mind and ego driven world is not easy, but doable. There are always ways to grow, and overcome old patterns - even if that makes people dislike you. What I create and how I work may not be suited for the mainstream, however, there are always some who end up liking my work.

Artistic Mind
Having an artistic mind, with explosive imagination at times, may seem like a burden, but once you embrace it, it's not only fun, but a way of living - for art opens one's eyes to the Universe's beauty. Truly, if there is a God, it must have filled all Existence with art, and thus beauty. How else can Sacred Geometry be found in everything?

Just Me
Ultimately, I just do my own little things, in my own little home and space, which I call Mystery Entertainment - an idea existing since 2004. Some projects have been canceled, some have been lost, and some have grown bigger than I could realize on my own. Nevertheless, I will keep doing my own thing, and release one thing or another, and maybe one or another project will eventually grow to something bigger than initially expected.

More About Me...

Check Out My Projects!
»Art is art - you either get it, or you don't.«

For now, there are two ongoing projects I have published so far. They are free and non-profit, and both are WIP (Work In Progress), which means that new additions and updates will be released sooner or later. So why not check them out?

Legend, the Vagabond
This is a story about a vagabond living in the Ming Dynasty, China. Born in a Land of nine clans, he chooses to join none and remain neutral. His journey is about finding himself, and eventually enlightenment. But even after that, life goes on. Can he defeat the evil forces in the World and help mankind to become something better?

This is a 9Dragons fan fiction, which eventually will move out of the 9Dragons universe.

Watch Short Movie
This story begins with a lost demon who happens to find purpose, and with time overcomes his evil nature as he focuses on fighting for a worthy cause and remembering his human nature. Gaining true friends over time, his long journey eventually leads him to a Universe calling for help - and he intends to fight, may he live or die.

This project was started in 2005, with the idea of being a mini web series, but eventually grew to a much bigger project than I could realize on my own. However, books are in the works.

Watch Trailer 1
Watch Trailer 2
Watch Trailer 3